“Remember the secret is plenty of seasoning and patience. The whole process takes about three hours. To each his own, so add or take away to satisfy your own taste. HAPPY HOLIDAY” –
Adele “Granny” Rouillier (Christine’s Granny)
Ingredients (serves 25):
- 3 large onions, chopped
- 2 bunches green onions, chopped
- 6 pieces celery, chopped
- 3 garlic cloves minced, fresh
- 1 medium green pepper, chopped (optional)
- 3 bay leaves
- 5 sprigs parsley, chopped
- 5 pounds ground beef
- 1 pound pork sausage
- 2 pints oysters, drained
- 2 cups rice, precooked
- salt and pepper, to taste
- 1 large black iron pot
- 3 hours time and plenty of arm strength for stirring
All cooking done on very low fire. Do not permit to stick by stirring often. Start with “hot” pork sausage in large iron pot and break up until cooked. When just about done, add beef ground and proceed by stirring often. When cooked, add onions, green onions, celery, garlic, green pepper, bay leaves and parsley, stirring often until all ingredients are cooked. The above process takes about 1 1/2 hours. Add oysters and after about 10 minutes start spooning out excess fat and water stirring at the same time. Salt and pepper to taste. Now that most of the moisture is out, start spooning the cooked rice into the meat until desired consistency.