Korean BBQ

Recipe from Christine.

This recipe rocks. It’s perfect for a party and I promise you people will fight for the last rib while licking every possible morsel off their fingers. If you’ve been to our house for a group gathering, chances are you’ve had this at least once.

The longer you cook the ribs, the more tender they are. Ribs can marinate up to 1 day. It’s best served right on top of brown rice so the rice soaks up the sauce.

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Mathias’ Perfect Steak

Recipe inspired by Peter Luger’s restaurant, New York.

We love a good steak. We found a version of this recipe in the Wall Street Journal based on feedback from the very famous and not to be beat Peter Luger’s in Brooklyn (and only a few days after we quelled our craving for a great Peter Luger’s steak). Many people make the mistake of taking a good steak directly from refrigerator to stove/grill. Under the advice of many chefs we’ve met over the years, the key to good meat dishes is to let the meat rest at room temperature for a minimum of 30-45 minutes and then pat dry before searing.

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