Champagne Chicken

Recipe from Christine, inspired by “French Women Don’t Get Fat”.

So simple, yet so delicious and elegant (*editor’s note: just like me).


  • 4 organic chicken breasts, with skin and bone
  • herbs (thyme, rosemary, chives), chopped
  • 1 cup Champagne
  • salt and pepper, to taste


Under the chicken skin, place chopped up herb mixture with some pepper.

Place chicken breasts in a roasting pan with skin down and season it. Pour 1/2 cup of Champagne over breasts.

Preheat the oven to broiler setting (500°F). Place the pan under the broiler for 3 minutes. Turn and broil the other side for 5 minutes, watching carefully until the skin is brown.

Remove the chicken from the broiler, baste with the pan juices and add the remaining Champagne.

Adjust temperature to 475°F and bake the chicken on a lower rack for 25-30 minutes, basting at least twice.

Serve with sautéed mushrooms. Drink the rest of the Champagne with your meal.

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